If you use the internet, security should concern you. Hackers can easily intercept your personal communications and even monitor what websites you visit.
When you consider the use of your computer for work or business, online threats become even more disconcerting. When family members, including children, become involved, you start to understand that security matters.
With so much at stake every time you go online, shouldn’t you take some precautions? Although online security may at first seem complicated, you can quickly enhance your safety by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Continue reading to learn what a VPN can do for you.
Anonymity :
A VPN service creates a secure, encrypted tunnel between your computer and a VPN service. This prevents your ISP and hackers from seeing what websites you visit. Also, when using a VPN, web servers log your VPN’s IP address, not yours, allowing you to anonymously use online resources.
Additionally, your ISP sees only that you’ve connected to your VPN service. If you choose a VPN provider that doesn’t keep user logs, you can defend yourself against government surveillance, advertisers and third-party subpoenas.
Security :
Have you ever connected to a “free” Wi-Fi network at a coffee shop, library, airport or store? Every time you do, anyone else connected to that network has a chance to hack your phone or computer. Also, they can monitor your plain-text data such as emails and URLs sent from your device to the internet.
A VPN tunnel allows you to safely use public Wi-Fi without fear. Sure, the owner of the Wi-Fi network as well as any snoopers and hackers can see that you’re using the network. However, they can’t see any of your data or what websites you visit while connected via your VPN service.
Freedom :
Some Wi-Fi operators, such as schools, employers and businesses restrict the type of websites that users can access through their network. They may do this for one or more reasons:
• Conserve bandwidth.
• Prevent distractions.
• Maintain standards.
• Manage liability.
Common content restrictions may include social media, video, pornography and file downloads.
In such settings, you can still freely access the internet by first connecting to a VPN service. When you do, network administrators can see that you’ve connected to an internet resource. However, since all data goes through your VPN tunnel, no one can analyze your activities.
In summary, a VPN gives you an affordable, easy to use way to increase your anonymity, security and freedom online. Stop taking risks with your personal, family and business. Always connect to a VPN before using the internet.

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