28 Jun 2010

Import contacts to Gmail from outlook

Export Contacts From Outlook: Select File > Import and Export Make sure Export to a file is highlighted Click Next > Now make sure Comma Separated Values (Windows) is selected…
10 May 2010

Reveal/Unmask passwords

Great free big of software that can be used to reveal passwords form Outlook and any other ****** showing program worked quite well for me, http://www.nucleustechnologies.com/Unmask-Password-Show-Reveal-Stars.html
28 Feb 2010

Opening docx, xlsx in Microsoft Office 2003

Microsoft have brought out a docx format now meaning that old versions on word, excel and powerpoint can not open documents. If your using 2007 make sure to save documents…
12 Feb 2010

Convert Crop Shorten Video (SQUARED 5)

Want to edit convert and change and video to another format check out Squared 5. You can use MPEG Streamclip to open and play most movie formats including MPEG files…
03 Feb 2010

Clamper gets clamped

Was just driving down to job today and took this photo between Rathmines and Ranalagh.
27 Jan 2010

Virtual memory low

Click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties. In the System Properties dialog box, click the Advanced tab. In the Performance pane, click Settings. In the Performance Options dialog…
04 Jan 2010

What is a computer network?

A group of (one or more) computers connected together sharing resources accounts package, data, storage, backups, hardware, and software. Some of the most common networks are called local area network…
10 Dec 2009

Firefox plugin checker

If you have firefox check out this link and update all your plugins so that you are secure on the internet just takes a few minutes. Visit link http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/ Click…

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