Terminating an employee can be a challenging time for many businesses and organizations. While there are many potential reasons for employee termination, it’s often an emotionally-charged time for businesses and employees. Some employees who are leaving a workplace may do things that are counterproductive for a company. For employees who are not expecting a layoff or termination, a sense of resentment can often lead to company sabotage. The following guide provides simple tips for avoiding IT security issues after employee termination.

It’s important to make several arrangements before an employee is notified of his or her termination. While it’s important to immediately cease access to confidential information, it’s important to do it immediately before the termination. This will prevent the employee from having time to figure out what is happening.There are several things that a company should do to prevent a terminated employee from accessing critical information. It’s a good idea to block an employee’s email accounts and computer passwords several minutes before a termination. In addition, it’s important to immediately remove any access rights to other sources of information. This can include public access databases, customer resource management software, etc.In addition, it’s important to block an individual’s access to business-related social media profiles. There has been some controversy in recent months over employees who have claimed ownership of a social media profile they created while working for a business. While this social media profile may be branded with a business’s name, it also may have the employee’s name visible. In these situations, it’s important to find effective ways to gain access to these accounts.
There are several potential techniques for gaining access to an employee’s social media accounts. Most of these methods will require surveillance over the course of a few weeks. In addition, some methods of retrieving information may be illegal in some areas. It’s important to conduct proper research into local rules and regulations before taking control of social media profiles.
One of the easiest ways to gain access to an employee’s social media profiles is through the use of a keylogger on a company owned computer. A keylogger can be set up to automatically record the passwords for a variety of social media websites and email services. While it is inappropriate to take control of personal accounts, it’s often acceptable to take control of public social media profiles. This can be a great way for a company to manage its expensive assets and minimize loss.
In addition, a gag order may be appropriate for employees with a high visibility. This will prevent an employee from badmouthing a company after he or she has been asked to leave.
[img: http://timsstrategy.com/laid-off-fired-or-leaving-on-your-own/]

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